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Note that information provided here for your convenience is taken at least partially from the eBook "Strategies I Learned Becoming a VP" which is copyright protected in the US Library of Congress, and is currently being published and sold by the author.


I believe many of us humans just think that negotiations is just meeting with someone, and discussing or arguing something and hoping that we win. Perhaps at one time, that was what I thought also. But after a course in High Powered Negotiations and then having some experience in it, I find out that if that matters at all, that is way down the list. The best negotiations are where each party gets something at least partially of what they want and the world perhaps is a better place afterwards. I would now list the items below as to what I have learned about negotiations. And most all of them, should be done by you before the meeting takes place. And long ago, I would not have considered any of them:

  • Do your homework and read all contracts and information before the meeting. There might be no time to do that at the meeting. Then bring the needed contracts into the meeting, and no, do not display them unless there is a feature of doing so.

  • Are there any mathematical calculations that should be done before the meeting? That might lend intelligence to where things really exist at the current moment? Selling property? What are the property sale values recently in that area? Dividing inventory? How much is there currently and is there an important breakdown? "Knowledge is Power" some humans say. I would add that ignorance is not really "bliss" as some others say.

  • Consider what it is you want to accomplish by this meeting? A money value? To acquire something? To sell something?

  • How far should you go before you get to the next best alternative offer or possibility? And how certain is that second offer or possibility? (BATNA)

  • What does the other party want? What can you learn of them on the internet, news or social media? What might their normal tactics be? What might they be willing to settle for? How badly might they want this deal? Do they need this deal under any circumstances, or is it a "fling" of theirs where it matters little?

  • AT THE MEETING: Consider bringing a second person at least with you. One person can get tired and just give in, or one person can get angry and upset the whole meeting. It is best to be able to divide up some of the speaking and information showing. However, keep tabs that the other person does not jeopardize the success by their own issues. Also ensure that you do not press too far either. Once the meeting is over, it may not be able to put it back together.

  • AT THE MEETING: Before you begin to decide who gets what, the very first step should be for both of you to maximize the situation. That way when you "divide up the pie," there is more pie for each of you.

As for the last item, about maximizing the situation, here is an example. Perhaps you are selling a business. Now, you can take your ball and go home as they say, or you can maximize things for all parties. If the employees have been negotiated with and understand the sale of the business and are fine with going with the new owner, then that does not perhaps hurt you, but can be a great help to the employees as well as the new owner. There also may be other ways of structuring things where as part of the deal, some information you have, a rolodex, a customer list, some advice might be a great help to the new owner. That could be included in the deal to maximize things for all involved, perhaps with no damage to yourself. Or perhaps you know of something that the other party has, that if they included it, would maximize things for all.



Strategies I Learned Becoming a VP   Book: Strategies I Learned Becoming a VP (click for info)
eBook Available from Google Play, Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook

This book covers business strategies learned during the huge cellular business birth at Motorola, at the beginning when Motorola had the highest market share. It covers many different business situations and tries to pass along advice to others who wish to succeed in business. The author went from the lowest grade engineer at Motorola to a VP using these methods that he learned.

Click here for possible more excerpts from this book.

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