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Note that information provided here for your convenience is taken at least partially from the eBook "Logic Science God and Human Intelligence" which is copyright protected in the US Library of Congress, and is currently being published and sold by the author.



Some scientists tell me that there could be 50 billion planets or more. Some of those same scientists think only one of those planets in one hundred may be habitable. But that would mean that there might 500 million planets out there that can support life. And I am not certain if they are even counting moons into that number, since some moons are big enough to also be in consideration.

Of course we should define "life." Most of the time when a person like myself with a Science background talks about life we are talking about the simplest forms of life, such as plant life. Yes, plant life such as plankton that might even live in an ocean. Most of the science conversation that you might hear when scientists look for other signs of life in our own solar system is really in search of very simple life forms. Some scientists think there could have been life on Mars at one time, and that Mars could have had oceans at one time which would support life. Some scientists think some of the moons of Jupiter or Saturn might have simple life forms even if somehow under a surface of ice in an underground water way. And some scientists think simple forms of plant life may even travel temporarily frozen inside of comets, ready to spring to life again when they thaw.

But of course when most of us instead of just "life" speak of "aliens" we then switch to concerns about higher forms of life, intelligent life. But with the huge number of planets and just the odds, I would not assume that aliens do not exist. In fact I would say that intelligent life similar or even more advanced than ours can very well exist in such a huge universe. If not, then it would seem this huge vast universe is oddly something of a waste, which would seem even more odd to me.

And why not? If the universe is indeed over 13.7 billion years old and humans more like 300,000 years old why would we not think that somewhere an advanced species might have had more time to develop and learn? I personally think it would be most odd if there were not intelligent aliens also somewhere else, in this huge and vast universe. 



Logic, Science, God, and Human Knowledge   Book: Logic, Science, God, and Human Knowledge (click for info)
eBook Available from Google Play, Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook

What is the fastest that humans have ever traveled? Do all Scientists agree that they understand gravity? Is the argument of Darwin versus Creationism a good argument on either side? Could some reality be in fact be an illusion as Einstein implied? This book tries to answer some of those questions, and how all truth we perhaps might believe, might actually be able to exist together at the same time.

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