One of our customers told us
that she enjoyed our line dances, and would we please do one for
Western. We wish we had written her name down, since here it is.
And it includes the Cotton Eyed Joe dance she asked for.
Western Mutli Line Dance |

Western Line Dances, OnP 1
This Western Line Dance sequences through a series of variations
(walls, directions) on two western dances:
Cotton Eyed Joe (16 steps, 4 walls (directions))
Waltz Across Texas (48 steps, 2 walls (directions))
The above including direction changes are six variations, and a
seventh which we call western wait adds a seventh short variety.
The dance software cycles through each of these seven in a
series automatically. A new sync signal is sent out to ALL dance
balls linked together every time the dance sequence changes,
which could be as short as 5 seconds, or as long as 48 seconds
in the cases of these dances loaded. New dancers simply do the
wait dance that we call "western wait" until the next real dance
sequence begins, and then they are sent the dance info and the
sync signal.
SL Marketplace (New X-Street) Direct link (click here)
Included are three different optional setups. One for 12 dancers (6
wide, 2 deep), for 24 dancers (6 wide, 4 deep), and one for 36 dancers
(6 wide 6 deep). These would also in turn be: 12 prims, 24 prims, 36
And right now at least, it is copy = yes. but transfer no. So if you
make a mistake on a setup and mess it up, just Rez another from
While OnP Owl and Pussycat has been in the dance business for a long
time, including line dance, we have recently created a whole new OnP
Linemaster software series of software to get the sync and options as
good as possible.
The owner has some optional commands and also has some variations
allowed on the dance setup. This feature addition was also an important
part of our very recent update on line dance software.
We like the result, and hope you will also. We do use our own dances for
our own ballrooms.
thanks! Hope you enjoy our products
Visit us at the Owl and Pussycat Mall
in Second Life at Tissela
look under classifieds for Owl and Pussycat ..or
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tissela/64/92/102 |