Starting or Imporving Your Business - Excerpts The book
has seven sections where the last 6 are help for business
startup or improvement. This excerpt is for the first
section which discusses the free enterprise system, in
perhaps a way that few others describe it. |
Logic, Science, God and Human Intelligence - Excerpts
excerpts of this book include one chapter from the first
section on human knowledge, then the first chapter in the
second section on Science and then the first chapter on the
third section of asking if there is a Deity. The idea was to
give something of a selection of what is inside. |
Complete Blackjack Survival Kit - Excerpts A number of
good books will tell you how to avoid bad mistakes and
perhaps even put the odds in your favor. But this book also
includes the statistics on how easy or hard it might be to
get rich from that, or whether the game should just be
played mostly for fun while losing little or none. |
Strategies I Learned Becoming a VP - Excerpts None of us
were born knowing everything. We learn from others as we
learn also how to sort knowledge and what works and what
does not. This book covers the best strategies in business
that I had learned from some of the best I saw while on the
way to getting 12 or more promotions over time. |
Becoming a One Person Band - Excerpts More about the
techniques than the electronic setup, since it would seem
that choice of recording system will often vary depending on
a person's tastes and budget. But if we are doing a 12 piece
band song, what parts do we play? What notes are valid? This
is what I learned. |
Politicians on an Island - Excerpts The first four
chapters of this novel that I did just for the sake of
humor. It is set an undisclosed distance in the future in
the attempt to not offend anyone currently, or at least
hopefully to foeend no one. And it is meant to be humor,
only. |