rpsoft2000 FREEWARE
For Download
WHAT ARE THE RULES? Free if you wish it.
Contribution if you liked it and wish to help keep us going
There are some other agreements on the download page, but we believe
they are reasonable ones.
We do not even suggest beginning with a Contribution. We want all
happy customers. We suggest that if you find a software
program whose description works for you, then first download it.
Of course back up your system for safety and try it on safe files
that are backed up. If you like what you see and find it
useful, you have the option of coming back here and offering a
Contribution to keep this site and software coming. Another
option to show gratitude might be to consider buying one of our
eBooks on our main page. They are at this time $3.99 each from
three large distributors. And then with the eBook option, you
get something even more with that. But we only
suggest you do either of those if you like the software. As for
your friends? Please tell them also about this freeware if you like
it, giving them the main link at
As for the value of these programs, I did not write them
expressly with the idea of making money, even though clearly I have
associated expenses and much time. But I did them since these were
the software programs I wanted and use quite often. And so, I
decided to share them with others.
(amounts shown
above the buttons) |
Thanks for
helping this site and our work !
We truly hope that you
enjoy the products |

This program is both a
combination file manager with optional two sides, and also a
photo viewer. Version 2a adds "Sync" capabilities for
doing some backup file possibilities. 2b adds the
ability to modify filenames within whole directories.
In file manager usage it can view your
computer files, and also copy, move, rename or delete files.
It also has some drag copy capabilities to external items
and works with some, but not all external file areas.
It can do quick program start in the file areas by double
clicking a program. Double clicking can also start up a file
with its associated program (according to Windows explorer
associations that are set) such that the file is showing
with the program that can display it. It also has
options for up to 30 quick program start icons.
photo display mode, it can display photos in a given
directory, one directory at at time. You can manually
advance or reverse to other photos in that directory, or set
automatic viewing mode for 1 to 9 seconds between images.
More information inside by clicking
here. |
Screen Capture
This program can do screen
capture. In fact it could have been used to have
captured the computer screen image in the above filemanager2
description, since it is a computer screen image of the same
This program for input can do full screen
capture of all that is on your computer screen. It can
also, if you wish, allow you to set an area of your screen
to capture by showing you a semi-transparent rectangle for
you to move to the upper left hand corner of the area that
you want, and then to resize that rectangle to cover the
area that you wish. After capture, the image should
show below. You can then decide to save it to a
location on your computer, or you can decide to send it to
the computer clipboard where perhaps you could load the
image into a drawing package for more precise changes, or to
a document that allows that.
Allow image save in jpg, bmp, or png. formats.
More info here. |
Icon Converter
This program is not a drawing
program. Instead what it does is convert some normal
picture images, such as bmp, png, jpg, jpeg, tif and gif
into icons. You also get to choose from an array of
icon sizes. I do believe that this program makes icon
making less magical and mysterious and mostly opens up the
door for us normal people to make our own icons. And
yes, you can use perhaps your favorite drawing package to
make simple shapes for your own very unique icons.
Allows image load in several formats.
More info here. |

rpsoft 2000 software
Yes, the name "Caddy" does not tell us much. That
is on purpose. It is a caddy for website urls
(optional), user names and passwords.
As security
becomes more and more of an issue, websites are often asking
us for more and more complex passwords. Some seem to
ask for a Capital letter, some small letters, some numbers,
a symbol, an Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and an eye of Newt
before they will accept your input. Oh, the last two
of those are not being asked for till next month. That
makes it very hard for any of us to use the same password
many different places. How to remember all of this?
How to type it correctly each time so we do not get the
infamous three strikes and you are out?
Well, rpsoft
2000 caddy is the newer more powerful version of a program I
have programmed before in an earlier software language and
used for a while. It can store up to 30 user
name/password combinations in a main file, and you can load
and save multiple files. It has at least some first
level security to stop casual people, casual software, or
casual viruses from going through your computer and seeing
your important data. It has an optional startup
password, some file data scrambling, and some more. If
I told you all ... well .. you know where that leads.
The Caddy program can also do some auto fill of user
name and passwords depending on the website or other program
you are using it for.
More information and
a download by clicking here. |
rpsoft 2000 RTF Word
Proc. Composer
This is a rich text file Word
Processing program that we prefer to think of as a
"Composer" instead. Why? Well, except for some
notes to ourselves, we do not use this rtf word processing
program as an end to itself, but instead as a first level
composer for emails, internet fill in area, articles, and or
book chapters.
All Word Processors have some
similarities, but also some things that they specialize in.
In the case of this composer, its specialties I believe are:
* Easy to get to big easy to read type size * Easy to
do email or similar composition, and then use f11 key to
copy to clipboard for email or internet usage. (f12 key may
also copy some formatting) * Nice for Book chapters or
Articles since it contains some format checking for common
errors of sentence spacing, end quote rules, contractions
and more
Contains 2 or 3 dictionaries. 2 are built in
and are always there for spelling or grammar, making it, we
think, a good bet for checking out articles or book chapters.
The 3rd dictionary likely requires Microsoft Office
installed on your computer.
More information and
a download by clicking here.
rpsoft 2000
This is a tool to help us
humans memorize some things we may need to. I created
it when I needed to memorize things for the California Rules
of the Road for a test. But it also can be used to
practice learning World capitals, US State Capitals, some
Spanish to English phrases and words, and more. What
it does is show you the left category of the question, and
the question itself. And then when you say the answer
you think it is to yourself, you press a button between
question and answer to show the answer you had written down
You would set up your study items, perhaps in
a three column spreadsheet and save it as a "tab delimited"
file. Or you might try to create the data within this
program or in a word processor. We provide 8 samples
as well, that some people might find interesting. And
of course, create your own study aid.
More information and
a download by clicking here. |
PDF to Clipboard
(Banking Software Assist)
PDF to Clipboard (Banking
This is one perhaps for the
hobbyist, willing to do an effort to set this up. This is
meant to be a go-between between banks or credit card PDF
text and a banking database such as Quicken. With some
abilities to load PDF text from the computer clipboard, this
software can help you auto scan your entries for common
things that you buy or spend or common money you recieve and
attach expense categories automatically and perhaps more.
How does it work? You would highlight the text data on your
PDF statement for just one data area at a time. Then use
ctrl +c to copy it to the clipboard. Then pressing the "NEW
PDF" button or "ADD PDF" button if adding more will bring
the text in for decoding into date, description, amounts,
optional check number and more. Then a category list that
you put together in a sepearate spreadsheet or wod processor
that is also loaded will scan for common expenses and affix
cateogries to it. Then just click on each type of button for
date, description, category or amount or more and send it to
the computer clipboard such that ctrl+v can paste it into
your final banking software. However, read the information
on PDF reading capabilities in value to you. It may not work
for your application. |