Calculator Ensemble SOFTWARE
Windows: 10 (might
also work on XP, 7,8,9)
rpsoft2000 Calculator
Ensemble Software Program |
Calculator Ensemble
This program is really 6 programs, or at least 6
calculator screens in one. The primary screen is a basic
caluclator that allows you to set decimal places, and thus
choose between a business money calculator and a semi
scientifc version.
The other 5 Calculator Screens
* Mortgage Calculator
*Metric Conversion Calculator
*Odds Calculator
* World Time
* Chinese (historic) Date Calculator - giving animal sign
of the year and date
rpsoft2000 software CALCULATOR ENSEMBLE |
CALCULATORS - six - click on the name
for more information
- Business/Scientific
Choice of
decimal places lets you choose business or semi scientific usage
- Metric Conversion:
Weight, Distance, Area, Volume, Temperature, Speed, Hexadecimal
(some of)
- Mortgage Calculator: Two
types, with the most popular type of "APR" - annual percentage
rate interest
- Odds Calculator: 3
Versions - can do some combionations or permuatations
- World Time: for
- Chinese Historical Calendar:
This is mostly for fun, and shows the animal sign for
the year
Business/Scientific Calculator |
of the Main Business and Scientific Calculator
- the startup screen
Business, Normal or
Scientific - notation can be chosen. Also the
number of decimal places
Simulated Paper Printout
- Runs totals and calculations along the way so you can look
12 Memories - that
you can see and therefore recall what was inside. You can
transfer between the accumulator or use them to add items
coming in from the accumulator
Some Scientific Functions
- We did not include all scientific functions, but
the ones most commonly used - in our opinion - this would
seem to us to make this a powerful calculator, but hopefully
not too confusing of one. Included are the basic sin, cos,
tan and a few variations of those, and also the square, cub
and similar functions.
Some Conversions -
Also included as stored variables. However note that another
of the calculators is a metric/english conversion one that
might do conversions easier