The Corel Image -
Sprayer Tool
Imagine if you could spray life-like images, anywhere on
a digital picture or photo. You can with Corel Photo Paint 8 or
similar utilities. Furthermore, Corel even gives you a number of
pre-stored images which can include flowers, tools, leaves, clouds and
much more. You can even make your own images to be added - or even
a collection of images. Neat!
Where is this fabulous image - sprayer? It is on
the "toolbox" toolbar - which is one of the main toolbars. If you
don't see the image, it is under the brush image, or effect image, at
one end of that toolbar. Pressing the arrow at the bottom of the
brush image shows all of the possibilities, as shown below. The
one that is the image - sprayer to be selected, is the one on the far
right, as shown here:

Practicing with the Image Sprayer
As with the other tools, some practice with the image
sprayer is needed. Start out with a new blank white area, and then
select the image sprayer. Next, it would be best to select an
pre-stored image to spray on the new white screen. Select the icon
for the image sprayer list on
the property tool bar, and select a folder under "img lists" and then
open that folder and select an image inside. Then spray that image
in the new area by left clicking the mouse button. Note that you
can control the size of the image by changing the size "settings" while
the image sprayer tool is selected (under "view/rollups/tool settings").
Note that some images have multiple images stored, and will give a
random image when the left mouse button is clicked.
Simple Undo Commands
- To Help Control Image Spray
Because you may wish to "undo" some of the image -
sprayer commands, some knowledge of easy undo methods is helpful.
Under the pull down menu "edit" you should find the command "undo brush
stroke" - or undo of your last command, whatever that may have been.
This command will undo your last brush stroke - or last image
object spray. Note also the hot key that is set up for "undo brush
stroke". This hot key should be printed at its right. Since
I have set up some of my own hot key designations, I am no longer sure
which original ones came with this program. In my case the hot key
"f12" will undo the last brush stroke. So, basically,
whenever I press the left mouse button for the image sprayer and an
image appears that I don't want, I can quickly press the f12 key and it
will go away. Easy.
Setting up Hot Keys
How to set up your own hot keys to the way that you
like? You must have a picture or new picture loaded into Photo
Paint 8 for all of these options to work. Then under "tools" you
will find "options". Inside "options", next expand out "workspace"
to its options if it already has not been done by pressing the "+" sign
in front of workspace till it becomes "-" and the options below it are
shown. Similarly, expand "customize" under "workspace" until it
shows its options. Under "customize" you will find "shortcut keys"
- yay ! that's the option that you want. Click on that.
Then on the left are the menu items, which can be expanded by pressing
the "+" in front of any of them. Select an item for a shortcut key
on the left, and then set up the shortcut on the right. Note that
you might have to eliminate a favorite key's current use by selecting
"delete conflicts".
Checkpoint and Restore to Checkpoint
Also under "edit" in the pull down menu are "undo
special", which if you move your mouse to the right will show that you
can set a checkpoint, or later return to that checkpoint. In my
case I have hot key f10 set up to set a checkpoint and f11 to return to
that checkpoint later. The good impact of this is if you wish to
experiment, perhaps with the image sprayer. You can set a
checkpoint, in my case by pressing f10 at any time. Thereafter you
are experimenting. If you don't like your experiment, press f11
and your picture will return to the checkpoint. This is really a
nice feature. Of course if your hot keys are set up to other than
f10 and f11, you will have to use the hot keys that you have set up to
do this.
Making an Image for the Image Sprayer (single image)
First of all of course, you need to acquire the image.
One of the places that you can get images is from the internet itself.
How? Just right click on an image and choose "copy". Then
when back in Photo Paint 8, under "edit" select "paste as a new
document". If this seems a lot of work in Photo Paint 8, recall
that you can set up a hot key for paste as a new document. I use
ctrl-Z, but pick the hot key combination that you like. For
a picture in our digital photo section I wanted a British mail box.
Where would one get one? I looked on the internet, and there one
was. The below photos show some of the work to use the photo after
I copied it from the net.

The picture after copied from the net was pasted as
a new document. Then it appeared in Photo Paint 8 as on the
left. We then used the magic wand mask control, as shown on
the last page, to make its unnecessary background invisible.
We did that by setting its properties to "-" and then clicking on
the background with the wand. Note that the picture on the
right then had a much smaller visible background, and the background
that it had, if you can see that fine of a picture, is a
checkerboard pattern, meaning that it will show invisibly when used. |

Now, when done with this, the image was ready to be
loaded into the image sprayer. Note that it is best to take full
advantage of the fact that the image sprayer can work with ".cpt"
pictures that have portions of their background invisible. This
makes it easy to combine them into a new picture with the least
To load the picture into the image sprayer, select the
image sprayer tool. Then click on the image sprayer save icon
to save the image.
When asked if you want a directional image list, answer "no". Then
save it in the image list folder that you wish under a name that you
have selected. Feel free to create a new image sprayer folder if
you wish. Then the image is saved for future usage.
Storing Multiple Images in a Single Image Sprayer
Storing multiple images in an image sprayer single item
is a little bit harder, but not terribly so. There are a few
techniques that must be known. First, begin with a "new" white
area - that is sized to hold all of the images that you will need for
this item. Add each image to it one at a time. Do it
similarly to above, by removing unnecessary background area with a mask.
But then when done, use "Crtl-C" or "Ctrl-insert" to save it to the
computer clipboard. Then select the new area and use
"Shift-insert" to transfer the image there. Move the image to the
far upper left to make room for more. Note that you may wish to
size your images using the "resample" function under "image" in the pull
down menu to keep them all roughly the same size.
For the second image, again paste it to your new area,
keeping it just out of reach of the first image, and so on. When
done, you should have multiple ".cpt" type pictures copied to the new
white screen area. We did this for just three images, and they are
shown below in the so called "new area". The gray color was done
on this web page background to more fully show that the image size and
white background.
Multiple Image Select
The next item is very important - one must select each
of the multiple images on the "new area". How to do that,?
Hold down the "shift key" and select each of the three images with your
mouse by pressing the left mouse button. When done, the dotted
area should encompass all three images, as shown below.
Next? Well, at this stage, the hard work is over,
Just save this selected image (really 3 items selected) as before.
Ensure that the image-sprayer tool is selected, then select the save
image icon . And then
save the image to a name of your choice in a folder of your choice.
Remember to answer the directional question "no" if you are asked.
Note: to save in Corel PhotoPaint 12, ensure the drawing
docker is open (ctrl-f8) and then press the gray arrow to expand to find
the selection for saving image set.
Fills and Fill Patterns
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